torstai, 4. joulukuu 2014

On from past

I am listening to smooth jazz. A powerful and independent lady is singing about hard times in life. Bourbon in my left hand and a cigaret in my right hand. It's time to relax from the hectic week at work.

Smokey bar and drunk old lads snoozing at their tables. Mood is totally correct for this evening. I get my glass filled for the third and last time, for the day. I don't know if it's the whiskey talking or is that lovely singer lady actually flirting with me. I try to concentrate on her performance and observe, if it's just part of the act. She does have a flirty style, so I bury my dirty ideas of her and finish my whiskey..
I collect my stuff; jacket and a hat and head out. Perfect, it's raining. I straighten the collar of my jacket and try to walk quickly to my appartment. Luckily I don't live too far away. Streets are as dark as the bar, and the rain doesn't help it at all. Clouds block even the tiniest ray of light from the moon. Full moon, I reckon hearing today from the sleazy weatherman in the news channel. So I have to be aware of nutjobs around here. Luckily I live in a very peaceful town, so the propability that something were to happen, is boringly low.
I finally get to the stairs of my apartment, when suddenly an hobo looking guy intercepts between me and a good nights sleep. "Care to make a trip of your life?", he asks stuttering a bit. I look the guy into his sad and lost eyes. Nothing, his eyes are empty as a taxman's soul. With no hesitation I open my jacket just slighty to show my badge. He apologizes in the saddest and scariest tone I've heard in a long time and runs away like a straydog. I don't even bother. I'm too tired and just want to go to sleep.

I enter my tidy apartment. I have to admit that I suffer from selective OCD. Everything is exactly like they were when I left to work three days ago. I open the fridge and grab myself a beer. Just one and I'm off to bed. I turn on my crappy tv and tune it to news. Nothing, just nothing interesting is happening here. No robberies, no murders, nothing. Except that case I'm working on. Some lunatic mumbles about demons and sacrifices. He's lucky to have a straightjacket and a couple of sedatives per day.

I finally lay my head on a comfortable and soft pillow. Thanks to the few drinks of whiskey I have no trouble falling asleep. It's almost like I took a couple of sleeping pills. I'm completely sedated and loose the sense of the world.

All of sudden, I wake up to an crashing sound, from my kitchen, I suppose. I quickly grab my 9mm from the drawer and start investigating the situation. Cautiously I open the door leading to the hallway. A long hallway with a couple framed pictures of me and my long lost son, a big drawer with some of my medals and a plant on it. Radioclock on the drawer shows that it's 2:59am. Walls have natural white, simple wallpapers, which are starting to turn a bit yellow due aging and smoking cigarets inside every now and then.
I try to move slowly and avoid the screeching planks. The last thing I'd want now is a junkie waiting for me behind the corner with a home-made knife. I notice light in the kitchen. It's so quietl that it's starting to scare me a little. 
Junkies make shitloads of noise when they visit houses uninvited and on top of that, they sure don't barge into a house to steal a steak. So I have an hungry hobo in here? No, they'd make even more noise and go for my liquor closet for some whiskey.

Too much I have spent my precious time on guessing who the guest might be. I peek just slowly around the corner to the living room. Nothing worth mentioning. Tv was still there, I almost wanted that it would've been taken. Old and cranky tv, it could've been an great excuse for me to buy a new one. Even the liquor cabinet is untouched.
Again I advance to the kitchen. The light creates a shadow of the intruder. Either he is standing very close to the light or he is a VERY big fellow. Or she, what do I know. 

As I'm starting to peek in the light shuts down. Great, all I have is the dim light from the full moon. The eerie silence and the darkness plays around with my imagination. I rush into the kitchen, point my gun at the most likely place where he/she could be. Nothing, nobody's there. I check every possible corner and still no clues of an intruder.
I check every possible hideout there is, but not even a tiniest clue. I rub my eyes and suddenly I wake up again from my bed, for the same crashing sound from my kitchen.

Again I grab my 9mm from the drawer and open the door quietly. I'm a bit confused of what's happening, but I advance through the hallway. I notice that something has changed. The pictures of me and my son, somebody cut me off the pictures. What kind of sick bastard would do anything like this. The radioclock shows 2:59 again. Even the wallpapers are more worn than usually. All of this is going over my head. Am I starting to go insane? Maybe I spent too much time interrogating the lunatic and my mind is playing tricks with me. All I know is that he's behind strong bars, wearing the straightjacket and pumped full of pills. Could all of his crazy mumbling about demon summoning and sacrificial rituals in the 'forbidden forest' have gotten the best of me? 

I shake the ideas out of my head and concentrate in the situation. The livingroom looks normal at first, but the old cranky tv is replaced by a brand new flat tv and my liquor cabinet is replaced with a bookcase. Things are getting way too weird for my exhausted head. There's still light in the kitchen and the same shadow is being formed by the invader. I don't know what to expect when I again, peek to the kitchen. Lights turn out as last time. The full moon illuminates my way as I enter the kitchen. Nothing unusual, but this time I, for some crazy reason, have an urge to open the freezer. I walk towards the freezer, when suddenly a strident squealing buzzing sound comes out of nowhere. It's seems to be coming inside my head and it gets louder and louder as I approach the freezer. The sound gets so loud that it almost pulls me to the ground, but with my last strenght I grab the handle of the freezer.

I wake up again, for the crashing sound from the kitchen. I don't know if I'm having a terrible nightmare or am I going insane. My hands are shaking as I grab my 9mm and head to the door. This time, when I close the door behind me, the radioclock blasts on. Crazy static noise echo on the completely dark hallway, without even the light from the kitchen. The display on the clock seems to suffer from static too, all the numbers are flickering in very unnatural way. I walk towards the radio to turn it off when suddenly, I start to pick words within the noise. "Better...not...turn...", and back to static noise. I try to turn it off but it doesn't react to any buttons. Even when I pull off the powercord, it doesn't turn off. The static noise fades from very black and dark noise to basic radio/tv noise. It makes my skin go to goose bumps.

Chills go through my spine as I slowly take steps towards the living room. Anxious of what may come, I peek from the corner. Nothing. There's just complete darkness. All the furnitures are gone and the floor looks like somebody just moved out. I don't know what to think anymore, everything is surreal and abnormal. I am full of adrenaline, and still I can't relax my body from the idea that I might be going crazy. My body is starting to fall apart as I move on. I walk to the kitchen so slowly and quietly, that not a single human being could notice me. Yet, again, light goes off and nobody's there. The dimm light from the full moon lights up the room like it did before. My body suddenly stop following my commands. The freezer feel like it's calling me, again. I grab the freezer's handle again, and open the door. Just before I get to see inside I blackout.

And I wake up again, from my bed, for the crushing sound from the kitchen. I'm loosing the last drops of my sanity. My body is cold and sweaty. The room looks just like it was before, the window shades are just slightly open to make me feel it's night. Again I reach out for my 9mm from the drawer. This time a chills so hideous runs through my whole body that I almost throw up. The gun, is, missing. I try to ransack the whole drawer, throw even the smallest items out to be sure that it's gone. Somebody's playing with my mind. This twisted and deviant game is making me anxious. Images of a psychopath watching me from somewhere and making notes. I feel like I'm somekind of test specimen in asylum. Being poked and stimulated with different methods to get results. Or maybe someone I put inside has come back and repay his debt.
All these crazier and crazier ideas make the room spin. I try to sit down on the bed, but it just makes it worse. Then suddenly behind the door I head the radio going on. The same static noise pops on. Last time somekind of message was hidden in the static, so I try to listen carefully. There it came "Better not turn around or" and back to the static. This time the static sound seems more aggressive, it's hard to describe how noise can be aggressive. Imagine a hive of bees working in peace, when suddenly something disturbs their peace and they prepare for attack. That aggressive buzzing sound, but in eerie static noise. The sound is so dark and full of hatred, that it makes me rethink my motivations. If something so harsh and evil can exist in this world in a form of a sound, there also has to be something as evil in fleshly form.
I still sit on the bed, frozen and waiting for the spike of courage to get my body moving. The noise fills the room, as if it was somekind of shadow entering the room at night. It's coming closer and closer to me and it wants to tear my soul apart. There's not much to tear, but I'd happily keep that torn and beaten soul as whole as it is. 
Then suddenly, someone clatters the doorknob. I can't move. Frozen in terror and amusement. Realization that there actually is someone with me here, someone who is playing these games with me. I want to see his face, I want to make him or her feel what I am feeling. Apprehensive, timorous and completely frozen. My body revolts against my will, the will that is being flushed down the toilet. Last bits of reason are fading away.
The door opens slowly. Still, my body refues to move and act. I close my eyes for a while, just to see even more sickening visions of, something. My eyes pop open, because of all the horrible images I saw. The door still open very slowly, and I start to see a gun. Then he kicks the door open.
Me, it's me. The one behind the door, the one with the gun is me. We both stare at eachothers. We stare for a terribly long time, or atleast it feels like an eternity. Both are frozen, I am sitting on the bed and the imposter has his gun pointed at me. The static noise starts to stutter. Stops and starts, sounds like a morse code. The light from the kitchen is flickering.
I try to make an initiation and get off the bed and I hear a gunshot.

tiistai, 18. marraskuu 2014

The story untold

The town is at it again. The loud chimes of the church's bell echo through the empty, dead streets. So quiet, as if the end of the world was to begin in this miserable place they call Geonshore. I guess somebody denied the existence of one of the gods again. Stupid people. Why won't they just keep it to themselves. Shouting it out loud is a deathwish in here. 'Thou all the hazzle is good for my business. Most of the merchants leave their stores open and unguarded, in rush to hunt the heretic. Heretic. I love the echo of it. I tried to believe in a greater being, but life taught me to only trust myself. If there were any gods, they wouldn't let these horrific actions happen in their name.
I peek from the tiny holes in the wall of my so called home. I live in a small storage shack of an abandoned house. They say that the house is haunted. Nonsense! I have heard all of the stories behind it. One says that a loving and caring father went mad and killed his whole family with a butchers knife and buried them in the basement. The other says that a blasphemer lived there and worshipped the lords of darkness. I know not if neither is true, but as long as the stories keep the people away from the house, I'm willing to tell scary stories to people.
Streets lay as dead as the cemetary at nights. Stray cat running across the street, trying to hunt down a rat. I heard from a trustable source about some golden statue that arrived to church a couple of days ago. Normally I'd leave church alone, but when I heard the price, I couldn't resist the temptation.  While wandering along the streets I noticed a bakery all alone. It was waiting for me to grab some snack. I could almost taste the tiny cookies as I opened the door. My tastebuds tingle. I gently shout "Hello?", with no answer. "Anybody here?", I asked with a little bit louder voice. I know that if somebody was to come to the store, my little snacktime would end in a marathon. Quickly I grabbed some cookies into my pocket and ran out of the store. Nobody saw me, atleast nobody interrupted me. I have a slight reputation as a smalltime burglar, but knowing my past most of the citizens leave me alone. Once the old lady Wanhoff sent her pet raven to peck me for stealing an apple. It was horrific, having a dirty bird picking your head and the old lady screaming at you. Atleast I got the apple.
I stand in front of the tall church. At the top of the stairs is a man in stocks. Either he has fallen asleep or he has died from starvation. I wave a cookie at his face when he suddenly starts to scream and shout. "HERETIC! BLASPHEMER! THIEF!, he shouted from the bottom of his lungs. I fell on the ground as I got scared. I was trying to silence him, but he just continues: "WORSHIPPER OF IZIKCHUMM!". I had no idea who or what this chumm fellow was, but I rush inside the church and close the heavy door behind me. I still hear soft muttering through the door: "Thief, after the unholy gold. Summoning of Gharchio". Starting to feel a bit scared about the words, I eat another cookie and brace myself. "There's nothing to fear. Nobody, except that crazy person who saw you coming in.", I try to convince myself. I look around. The church sure seems powerful, with all the golden statues and a huge Icon behind the altar. The wooden floor squeaks as I head to the altar. I grab a dusty bible along the way. The altar itself is full of flowers, couple goblets and a bowl of holy water, I assume. Again, trying to get attention of some who might be inside. I try knocking on the altar and shouting: "Hello? Anybody here?". All I can hear is a few torches blazing and mice running under the floor. Examining behind the altar; nothing unusual or worthy of stealing. I was told that the statue might be in the priests room, behind the altar and next to the accessory room. Sneaking inside the cold hallway behind the altar I try to a make note of the squeaking boards. The hallway is dark and cold. I take a torch from the wall, just in case I have to run. Counting the stairs and trying to memorize all the tiny corners and turnings. I finally get to the priests room and open it slowly. 
The room doesn't have any windows 'nor were any candles were lit, so I assume nobody hasn't been here for a while . I open the door to it's fullest and wave the torch to illuminate the room. I can't believe my eyes. The golden statue I was after was in the middle of the room. Standing proudly, waiting for someone to pick it up. But what was around the room, sends chills thru my spine. These priests, trying to cleanse the world from evil and miscreants. These priests, ordering executions for blasphemy, ordering tortures due heresy. The room, it was full of unlit candles, in formation of the heretics symbol. The symbol itself was made from blood. There were animal heads in top of spears, human bones dangling from the ceiling. I couldn't move. I was completely shocked and disgusted by the view. I felt nausea hitting hard and I had to turn around to vomit. As I turned around, I saw one of the priests, holding a bludgeon. Quickly I tried to throw the torch at the priest and run away. Hallway went to total darkness as the torch died. Wondering in the deep tunnels of the church I tried to remember the way out. Left, left, right, left, and I was supposed to be inside the church again. Loud steps reflected from the stone walls behind me, but I didn't hear any shouts. The priest was totally mute. As the last turn was coming up I smelled something odd. I continued running the hallway and finally saw the two torches and the door. Ran to the door and whacked it open. Oh lord, how wrong could I be with the directions. I came into a giant room, with the same huge symbol I saw in the Priests room.  Animal sacrifices, human bones. The same I just witnessed in the priests room. In panick I just rushed in and closed the door behind me. I looked around, trying to find a proper hiding spot. A huge amount of coffins in the corner seemed like a good spot. I forced one of the coffins open, just to find a rottin corpse inside. The door screeched, the priest already got here. The coffin was my only option of survival. As I laid myself next to the corpse and trying to get the top on, the door opened. Finally the cover got into the railings and fitted in. The priest whistled to me like people whistle for their dog to come at them. I wasn't a puny dog, but I was going to die like one. The whistling got closer and closer. Then suddenly it stopped and I heard footsteps receding. Too scared to open the lid, I decided to stay inside the coffin for a bit longer time. At some point I heard drumming, it sounded like a shaman drum. Humming and suddenly a squeal of a pig being killed. The whacking and squealing lasted for a while, until the squealing stopped and I started to hear sounds of sawing. Trying to blow away all the disgusting ideas of what could've been happening, I couldn't keep myself awake. The drumming and humming affected my mind and I got drowsy. After a huge struggle I fell asleep.
As time passed I could feel the day turn into night, I started to get back to the world of the living. With a great timing as the corpse next to me started to shake and seem alive. How in the world could a rotting corpse move. I kicked the top off and jumped out, just to fall into ground. The corpse, it got my leg. It was far more powerful than it was in it's better times. Pulling me towards the coffin I grabbed a ledge and tried to pull away from the corpse. After struggling against a living dead, I finally got away from it's grip. I sighed and noticed that something still held my leg. It was the hand of the corpse, which must've snapped off from the rotted corpse. As I was getting rid of the hand, the corpse was climbing outside of the coffing. I used the hand as a weapon and whacked the corpse and ran like I've ever ran. But as I got to the huge symbol, I noticed something had changed. The golden statue was in the middle was covered in blood. Without hesitation I tried to look out for an another exit. In panic andready to faint, I finally found a door. I ran and ran. I stumbled and got up. I even strained my ankle but I was so full of adrenaline that I couldn't feel any pain. Finally I started to see some natural light. It was dim but it was there. I navigated towards the light, just to find that the exit leaded me to the forbidden forest. I observed my surroundings. I was far more deeper in the forest than I have ever been. I have hidden inside the forest for so many times, but I have never seen trees this dead and dark. Never have I seen mist risen this high, as it was making the trees walk. I was completely lost. Only way out was to follow the moon. It was bloodmoon, what a delightful coincidence for the day. The bloodmoon and the mist made my imagination go crazy. Beasts here and there, everything trying to eat me. To hunt me down. Trees were alive and haunting me, atleast I thought they were. Yet I kept wondering through the forest and navigate to one direction by watching the blood red moon. This was the time of witches and demons and I was stuck in middle of the forbidden forest. In the middle of the night.
I couldn't run anymore. My legs couldn't carry me anymore and my head was dying from sleep depravation. Even all of my cookies were either crumbled or fallen. I was ready to give up, lay down and give up my miserable life when I saw a cottage. Whoever lived in this forsaken place, had to help me, or eat me. As I got closer to the cottage I started walking slowly. Tried to check if someone actually was inside the cottage. I peeked inside the window and saw a totally normal house decorations and knocked the door. Tried opening the door. It wasn't locked, 'nor was anybody inside. I went in and locked the door from inside. Scavenging the shelves for food, I noticed the fireplace. I had to lit it. As the warmth surrounded the whole cottage, I lay down on the cozy bed. Didn't even take a minute for me to fall asleep. 
Images of animal sacrificial and human torturing kept me from getting a good nights sleep. Flickering images of some grotesque human-animal beast walking towards me. The last image I remember was this beast, trying to strangle and sodomize me. I almost jump up from the bed as I wake up to this brutality. I open my eyes just to realize that the cottage I slept in, was gone. My bed, was a huge rock covered in moss. I was also completely naked. All I see around me is darkness. Total darkness. 
I wake up again. A dream inside a dream? I'm utterly confused of the happenings. This time I woke up in the cottage, from the bed I went to sleep in. Day was on it's brightest so the cottage was illuminated by daylight. Now, I could see the real face of the cottage. Shelves were full of books about occultism, exorcism and witchcraft. Again, I have gotten myself into a deeper trouble than anybody could ever imagine. The door was still bolted, so nobody could've gotten in. I check the cauldron that was at the fireplace. Smell of delicious food make my tastebuds tingle again. After stirring the pot for a while, I start to feel sick. Fingers, brains, eyes and all sorts of insides boiling. These lately happenings start to be too much for me. My sanity is on a test. At the same time, I hear someone knocking the door. My heart starts pumping and I can feel nausea striking. There are no words to describe all the horrific pictures running in my mind. Again, somebody knocks on the door. At the same time I hear foodsteps from the basement. The trapdoor opens. I can't take it anymore. Everything turns into a haze and I blackout.

sunnuntai, 26. lokakuu 2014

The Beginning of everything

As I wonder through the misty forest hallway, where trees seem alive and full of unwanted mishappenings. Full of dark corners and perfect hideouts for the ravages to plot their attack on weak and exhausted victim like me. Exhausted indeed, ready to give up my puny life. I hear the voices of crattling pitchforks and the shouts of angry mob in the dark distance. "Burn him! BURN HIM!"; I try to carry my scarred, wiggly legs and wonder on into the unknown. Razorsharp murat bushes scratch my fragile body, inch by inch. I can feel every tiny branch wanting to stop me and every tiny bit of poison to end my blasphemic way of life. Still I gather myself, take the last big breath and rush towards the big unknown. As the haunting mist gets stronger and rises to the trees as a cape on a brave soldier. I start to startle. "As the mist rises, as the mist reaches the trees, one caught in the heart of the forest will never be seen again." Said the old lady with a dead eye, walking stick and a raven on her shoulder. Nonsense I thought back then. But now as the mist makes trees alive, make every tiny echoes from the forest sound like my day of making has come. I start to loose my hope, ready to let the forest devouer every last bit of whats left of my dead and empty soul.
I rush into a small opening on the right side and hide for a second. I rest my torn legs and tear my shirt to aid my open wounds, just to realize that the back of my head is bleeding. "One of the stones.." I think by myself whispering lowly. I try to stay awake, and notice silence. So empty and eerie silence, that starts to feel unnatural. No craddling of pitchforks, neither the shouting about burning the heretic. Even the forest is quiet, as if it is waiting for the victim to fall asleep. I rest my head on soft piece of moss and my eyelids feels like they carry the weight of the world. Trying to keep awake, doing everything to not fall asleep. Scratching my arm with a branch of razormurat to keep my body from falling asleep. I loose my sense of time, loosing even the last bit of sanity thats left of what I have witnessed and been through since. Words of the old lady jump into my head and the forest starts to feel more alive than I have been this whole day. More alive than I have been in memory of a man. I see flickering shadows of flying beasts, armies of rabid rats, of every single evil thing that can be imagined. I try to get up, but the weight seems too much for my legs, for my shoulders, even for my head. It feels like the world doesn't want me to survive; as if I have desecrated the sancitity of this rotten place. For what I have seen, found, come up to, are no words for the ignorant fools like the townsfolk. The mob after me, they know nothing about horror. It's something higher, something with more meaning. Some higher entity that's meant only for the eyes of the few, for those who ain't stuck in the written words about an imaginary imaginary GOD. For the ones who fear, due blind ways of believing the "priests". Priests, what do they know about this. Not have they seen what I have witnessed. Not like they would live life, in sanity, in sanctity, after such illumination. There are no words to describe the deviance of the happening. Yet, I have lived, 'thou I have witnessed voices around me that have no speaker 'nor they have any visible source.

       "Rek Ghna'h Rizalaè Izikchhum", these words, with no meaning to me, haunt me during the brightest moments of human day. Those words keep me awake during the darkest hour of the dead. All I see, is some, Thing, not from this world. Something, so abnormal for human eyes to believe.. It's not the thing that changed me, it's what, the thing, did...that haunts me for the rest, of my puny life. Things, no man could ever imagine. 

Suddenly, I wake up. Feeling dizzy, having no idea of falling asleep. First I see a bright light, closing my eyes brings me blurred visions of a creature watching me. I try opening my eyes slowly, just to realize darkness devouering me, from outside, and slowly, from the inside. It feels like something was eating my shadow. I try to open my mouth to scream, to let out words of distress. Nothing, not even a mumble, not even a hiss of breath. Try closing my eyes again, just to find out that the creature, it gets closer and it looks more clear. Opening my eyes again, slowly. Still darkness, even the smallest sight of light has disappeared. I'm surrounded by complete darkness. The darkness is far away from this world, even the eclipse, even the bloodmoon is more desired and normal than this.  The thing that surrounds me, not only it surrounds me  it wants to be in me. For some sick reason, I have an urge to close my eyes in hope of actually waking up. I feel scared of what may come. Suddenly, nothing. Closed my eyes, and the visions are gone. No pictures of the spoken, thing. No mental images of the terrifying happening, that burned into the back of my eye.  Something so disgusting that made me want to erase the memories with the poisonous mushroom, something that made me want to hang myself. Suddnely all gone, I feel saved, I feel relived from all the sickness. Until I open my eyes. From all the mistakes I’ve made in my life, this is the far worst. As I get my eyes fully open,  the Hell breaks loose.
    What I witnessed, as an spectator nobody knew about, as an spectator that didn't want to get involved in any of the summoning, of the ritual of inhumanity is all here. It's all right in front of my mortal eyes. 
    All the blood, the guts and gore. Gutted , dismembered, decpitated and defiled walking corpses, that hummed the words "Rek Ghna'h Rizalaè Izikchhum" over and over again. Impaled animals, humans, and something between, hanging from the spears, twitching as they were alive. Among the naked disfigured bodies, were a few, with a huge cape that hid their bodies and faces were completely in shadow. Blood, ponds of blood around a huge symbol, moving, like it was looking for it’s master. Not only was the blood moving , trying to morph into a creature.Blood was raining, into the sky, not from the sky. Clouds were dark, no, not dark. The clouds were black. Black as the darkest corner of the tavern where the lively ladies danced for drunk men. Black as the mask of the executioner proceeding the decapitation of the one who stole a bread for his family. This is what this was, an execution. An execution of mankind. If this THING, if this sickness was to overcome. to walk on the land of man, there would be no sanctuary sacred enough to hide in. There was no place holy enough, to keep this creature from fulfilling it's fleshly desires. The sodomy, the absolute hatred. I can't move, 'nor can I close my eyes. All the perversions of living corpses mating, eating eachother, stabbing and cutting themselves. They're eathing the living guts. I could even see a beating heart being squashed, in the hands of a headless man. Suddenly all of the corpses stop, stood in the pose as they were scared of something. The raining blood, it froze still. The drops 'neither fell 'nor rose into the sky. It almost seemed as if the time stopped, like the earth stopped moving. Suddenly I felt a slight wind on my hand, the trees started to move with the wind. At the same time, everything, started to move. Raining blood started to fall into the ground and started to form a strange symbol in center of everything. All the corpses began to gather around the symbol and started to shout, scream and screech the word "Izikchhum" over and over again. Then I noticed one huge corpse, the one devouering  the beating heart, walking towards me. I couldn't move, couldn't run away. I wasn't frozen by fear. Fear itself wasn't no longer part of me. The disgust and the power of the ritual kept me still, kept me from escaping. As the corpse got next to me, it grabbed my hand and pulled me up. My legs started to work, I could walk, but it felt like there was only one direction. The center. Walking slowly towards the center of sodomy, guts bashing under my legs, bones cracking. Corpses with heads, stared me, heads moving as I moved closer and closer. My head feels empty, can't catch even a slightest thought. It almost feels like it's humming inside my head, like a beehive going crazy inside my wicked head. The huge corpse stopped at the corner of the circle, waited a while and pushed me into the center. I stood still in the center, while suddenly all of the corpses stopped humming "Izikchhum". Deadly silence hit again. With silence came the darkness. Everything, outside the circle, completely black. It's like mist had turned into thick black mass. As the sodomized corpses went down on the ground on their knees, the few "priests of sodomy" as I called them in my mind, stood up. They rose their heads, still all I could see, were glowing red eyes.

Then suddenly, it happened. I felt an huge pain in my back, like someone impaled me with a spear. I tasted blood in my mouth, yet I couldn't move or scream. I lowered my view, and noticed a bloody, spear. It was coming out of my mouth. As the panic started to get over my body, I started to struggle, trying to free myself from the impalement; just to notice to be hanging 10 foot from the ground. I felt the blood falling from the tips of my fingers, every part of my lower body was dripping of my blood. Then again, the blood changed it's way, as if someone, something, was commanding it. It rose up again from the ground, along the spear. First it rose slowly, then it started to speed up. The blood kept filling me, it almost made me feel more alive. Then the priests started to hum the words again, "Rek Ghna'h Rizalaè Izikchhum". As the humming changed into spoken words and from spoken words into shouting, the words began to echo. The spear started to lower me closer to the ground. The mud, it felt loose. My toes sank into the mud, as the spear got me lower. Finally as my I got free from the impalement, my body fell to the ground. My forehead got a soft touch of mud as I fell on my knees. I didn't feel any pain, I didn't feel, a thing. I got up, eyes closed. I rose my chin from the chest, rose my head as a proud warrior would do after a great fight. Strength and power poured inside of me. All worries disappeared, all the sadness and longing were gone. Taken place by fleshly desire, desire for all the sickness and sodomy that surrounded me. I wasn't disgusted by the idea of dismembering a human, wasn't disgusted by the idea of sodomizing an innocent. I was morely aroused by the idea. As I slowly tried to rise my eyelids, to see the world I have to conquer. The world to feel the days of darkness that was to come. The abyss where I had rested for all these years. I opened my eyes, and saw it. The creature, the one from the abyss, the great Izikchhum, horned and winged beast. It walked towards me, fume coming out of it's nostrils. Izikchhum stood right in front of me, staring me with the black eyes of stone, and without moving it's lips I heard the words: "The time, has, come."


Then I woke up, in my room in asylum, screaming. My room, it was dark as the forest, it was silent as the moon. I noticed the symbol of Izikchumm on my hand, which was clean and pure before I went to sleep. The nurse with scar on her face, came to the door with the guards, guards with capes covering their body and hiding their faces in shadow. "Is everything alright?", the nurse asked with a grin on her face. I slowly turned my head to the door, and without control of my self I hummed lowly "Rek Ghna'h Rizalaè Izikchhum", when no answer was given I rose myself from the bed. I shook myself off the restraints. I slowly rose my glance to the nurse behind the barred door. The fear, the smell of fear drifted from the door, the beautiful scent of fear. My nostrils ate all of the images of their deepest fears. I felt, fulfilled. As I spread my hands, with all strength of my lungs I shouted: "Rek Ghna'h Rizalaè Izikchhum!", and the darkness, it took control. The nurse and the guards, I, finally had the control. I was to be, free.